“I am impressed by Lako’s continuous dedication to research and design for customer-specific applications. I presented Lako with the opportunity to help my company find a mechanical solution to an industry-wide problem — air retention in gusseted bags that are packed lying down in the case. They researched and designed four specific jaw serration patterns to test in the lab with different film structures, temperatures, sealing times and pressures to identify the optimal jaw set. Although this was not implemented due to a different business priority, it was a thorough feasibility study.”
- Meagan Reid, The Hershey Company
“I am impressed by Lako’s continuous dedication to research and design for customer-specific applications. I presented Lako with the opportunity to help my company find a mechanical solution to an industry-wide problem — air retention in gusseted bags that are packed lying down in the case. They researched and designed four specific jaw serration patterns to test in the lab with different film structures, temperatures, sealing times and pressures to identify the optimal jaw set. Although this was not implemented due to a different business priority, it was a thorough feasibility study.”
- Meagan Reid, The Hershey Company
“I am impressed by Lako’s continuous dedication to research and design for customer-specific applications. I presented Lako with the opportunity to help my company find a mechanical solution to an industry-wide problem — air retention in gusseted bags that are packed lying down in the case. They researched and designed four specific jaw serration patterns to test in the lab with different film structures, temperatures, sealing times and pressures to identify the optimal jaw set. Although this was not implemented due to a different business priority, it was a thorough feasibility study.”
- Meagan Reid, The Hershey Company
LAKO ofrece una solución de sellado para aplicaciones de envoltura. Dado que nuestras piezas de calidad permiten la flexibilidad necesaria para el diseño del paquete, LAKO es la empresa a la que acudir para aplicaciones de sellado de película de forma horizontal.
Los envoltorios se utilizan como parte de un proceso de embalaje para máquinas de formado, llenado y sellado horizontales. El proceso produce un paquete de película flexible ajustado completamente envuelto sobre un producto (película, lámina o papel).
Luego, un producto completamente envuelto se sella, corta y perfora como parte del proceso de formado, llenado y sellado horizontal.
Las envolturas se utilizan para las siguientes aplicaciones de productos:
barras de caramelo
barras de jabón
alimentos/suministros para mascotas
artículos médicos
y más